Behaviour Policy

The ethos of St Ambrose primary school is such that children are positively encouraged to communicate their concerns to other members of the community in the knowledge that a positive response will be made.

The relationship between home and school is vital to this policy working effectively.

We rely heavily upon, and greatly appreciate, the support the whole community gives to our process of reward and discipline. This policy is to be read in conjunction with our vision and mission statement.


Reward for good work, attitude or behaviour is initially verbal and can be in written form.

Good work, attitude or behaviour is celebrated in the Special Mention assembly each week. The children in each class are given a special mention certificate at the assembly informing their parents of their achievement.

All classes take part in Golden time activities.

In Foundation Unit the children are rewarded with smiley face stamps, stickers and stars.

Home school links

The relationship between the home and school is vital. We recognise that parents have the greatest influence on children and welcome parental involvement in all aspects of school life.

In particular families are encouraged to share with us their children's achievements outside school. We look towards working in partnership with parents to develop happy, fulfilled, well educated and confident children.


For poor behaviour in class and on the playground the child is dealt with by the class teacher or the person on duty:

The teacher discusses the inappropriate behaviour with the child and may remove some privilege e.g. part of Golden time.

In the Foundation Stage/KS1 inappropriate behaviour is dealt with by the child’s photograph being placed on the rain cloud and then the thundercloud if the behaviour continues. Parents are spoken to at the end of the day.

A member of the senior management team becomes involved along with the class teacher. If the child is being sent to another class for a short time then suitable work is sent with them.

Parents are informed of the serious nature of the problem and are requested to meet with the class teacher and the Headteacher.

If the situation fails to improve then the Headteacher retains the right to exclude a pupil for a fixed period or permanently.

Any stage of this process can be missed out if the situation causes serious concern.